The Beginning of Something Else

On June 1, 2007 I found out my husband and partner of almost two decades had been unfaithful to me since before our marriage, and had been having intercourse with prostitutes for 3 1/2 years. This is what happened next.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

The truth about being married to a sex addict

Husband confessed tonight that, since 2013, he has been to massage parlors 11 times and had hand jobs and blow jobs and that three of those times he had sex with the prostitute, including most recently on November 8 of 2021. 

I am done.

I do not regret the past. I grew tremendously and gained a Self that I didn't have before because of everything I went through circa 2007. And we provided a loving home for Son as he was growing up.

Ninety-five percent of Husband is amazing. He is funny, talented, smart, creative and loving. But five percent of him chooses to betray his wife, knowing full well how much pain and anguish this has caused me in the past because he thinks he deserves it and he can get away with it. I can't live with that part.

I'm heartbroken because I'm losing my Person; my soulmate, my confidant, my harbor, my most intimate best friend who gets me and loves me and appreciates me and who is an amazing father and a great partner whom I loved and admired and respected. 

But there is a part of him that feels entitled to have what he wants, despite the fact that he is betraying me, hurting me, leaving me feeling worthless to the most important person in my life. He thinks he deserves it and that he can get away with it. 

I will not live with that.

I wanted things to be different because I loved him deeply. But I am done, because I deserve better.

I asked him to move out tomorrow.

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